
317 results

Application to Building and Property List - Co-owned land and unreasonable water flow between properties

Use this form if you want VCAT to hear a dispute about joint property or a water dispute.

Application about a retail or commercial lease

Use this form if you want VCAT to hear a dispute about a retail or commercial lease.

Application for review - Human Rights List

Use this form to request a review of a decision made by the Mental Health Tribunal, Patient Review Panel or the Chief Health Officer or Secretary o

Application form - Owners corporation disputes

Use this form if you want VCAT to hear your owners corporation dispute. You can complete an application using an online form or PDF form.

Application form for proprietors of supported residential services

Use this form to apply to VCAT if you have a dispute about a supported residential service. 

Application form for residents of supported residential services

Use this form to apply to VCAT if you have a dispute about a supported residential service. 

General application form - Planning

Use this form to make a planning application.

Application for review of a voluntary assisted dying decision

Use this form if you want VCAT to review a decision made by a doctor about access to voluntary assisted dying.

Application for review of a decision - Review and Regulation

Apply to VCAT to review decisions made by an original decision-maker such as a government agency, a statutory authority or other Administrative dec

Application by a disability service provider or resident form (PDF)

If you live in, own or manage a group home or specialist disability accommodation (SDA) enrolled dwelling, use this form to apply to VCAT to hear d