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Melbourne (414 La Trobe St)
Level 4, 414 La Trobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000
For email addresses, see Contacts and locations.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.30pm.
This venue deals primarily with guardianship and human rights issues. For enquiries about other types of disputes, go to one of our other locations.
Our La Trobe St venue will be closed from 25 December 2024 and reopens 6 January 2025.
This venue deals primarily with guardianship and human rights issues. For enquiries about other types of disputes, go to one of our other locations.
Our La Trobe St venue will be closed from 25 December 2024 and reopens 6 January 2025.
What you need to know if you’re coming to VCAT in person
Services we provide
- Answer any enquiries you might have about guardianship or human rights matters. If you have questions about other types of disputes, try one of our other locations.
- Find the right application form for your dispute and learn how to apply.
- Pay VCAT fees over the counter. We currently cannot accept payments by cheque or money order.
- Lodge applications, documents and submissions in person. (You can also lodge documents through a dropbox at the building entrance on weekdays from 9 am to 4.30 pm.)
- Find out about organisations who can give you legal advice and other support.
- Have affidavits taken and statutory declarations witnessed.
- We can give you some details about your hearing, but we can't speed up the process of getting your hearing date.
Legal help services
The Office of the Public Advocate has a duty liaison office on Level 4. Their Duty Liaison Officer can provide you with general information about guardianship between 9.30am and 4pm.
Public transport
We recommend you use the PTV Journey Planner to plan your trip by public transport.
We are a 2-minute walk from Flagstaff Station.
Find street parking for people with disability on the City of Melbourne's Access Map. Select the ‘disabled parking’ option on the map for locations.
Paid parking is available nearby:
Find more parking options at Parkopedia.
Facilities available at this location include:
- video conferencing
- telephone conferencing
- security.
If you need to use video or telephone conferencing or if your case requires security, request these services in writing before your hearing so we can make sure they are available on the day of your hearing.
Even if you make an application in time, we cannot guarantee that the services you applied for will be available.
Electronic devices in VCAT hearing rooms
See our policy on photography, recording, mobile phones and electronic devices at VCAT.