2021-22 Annual Report tabled to Parliament

VCAT’s Annual Report 2021-22 was tabled in the Victorian Parliament today.

21 December 2022

In what has been another year of adaption and change, VCAT acknowledges the tireless work of our members and staff, as well as the patience and understanding of our users as we continued online case management and gradually re-introduced in person hearings across some lists.

Our 2021-22 highlights include: 

  • Developed robust foundations for our digitally enabled Service Transformation Program, which will ultimately deliver a single case management system and self-service portal, dramatically improving efficiencies in case management for our users and staff
  • Adjusting to the pending caseload by establishing a dedicated Backlog Recovery Program in our Residential Tenancies Division - the hardest hit by the effects of the pandemic
  • Heard over 43,000 cases online
  • Re-introducing in person hearings, initially in our Guardianship list
  • Answered over 172,000 calls
  • Managed over 367,000 emails
  • Welcoming a small number of new members to rebuild our capacity

While we continue to build our capacity VCAT resolved over 60,000 cases for the Victorian community by adapting and modernising our approach. We will continue to build on these foundations with a refreshed strategic plan and further integration of our service transformation into 2023. 

Download the annual report: