myVCAT – new portal for goods and services claims launches

7 December 2023

VCAT has reached a significant milestone today with the launch of the first phase of myVCAT, a new online portal designed to improve the community’s access to information and a new online application form.

The portal is a key part of our Service Transformation Program which also includes the delivery of a new internal case management system.

Replacing the previous goods and services online application form, the new myVCAT application form and portal has been designed and built with a user-centric focus and allows new users to register for a myVCAT account when submitting an online goods and services application from today.

The portal will provide ongoing access to goods and services application details, documents, tasks, reminders, orders and more. Simply put, it will provide access to everything people need for their case online, 24/7 including:

  • Real time access to information relating to their case.
  • An improved user portal with all documents and information about an application in one easy to access location.
  • Automated updates on the progress of applications reducing the need for people to follow up.

This new system will create more efficient work processes that enable our front-line staff to better support those who are unable to access the digital system, or who prefer to talk to a person than use a computer.

As future phases of the Service Transformation Program are completed, the myVCAT portal will gradually extend to cover all application types available on our website.

This program of work supports VCAT’s commitment to excellence in case resolution and, inclusive and accessible justice as outlined in our Strategic Directions 2023-2025.

Note: registration for myVCAT is only available to new cases lodged from 6 December onwards, it is not available for existing applications lodged prior to 6 December.

myVCAT portal image