
17 results

Summary of proofs - possession of residential rental premises for reasons other than rental arrears

Use this form in support of an application for possession of residential rental premises, for any reason other than ren

Summary of proofs - renter's compensation

Use this form in support of an application by a renter (tenant) seeking compensation in a rental dispute. This includes bond refunds. 

Summary of proofs - possession of residential rental premises due to rent arrears

Use this form in support of an application for possession of a residential rental premises for rent arrears.

Payment plan agreement for rent arrears

Use this form where a residential rental provider (landlord) has applied to VCAT under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997

Bond or compensation payment agreement

Use this form if you are involved in a VCAT case about bond payments or compensation and have reached agreement with the other parties on how money

Summary of proofs - abandonment, vacation

Use this form in support of an application for a declaration of abandonment or vacation.

Summary of proofs - residential rental provider's claim for bond or compensation

Use this form in support of an application where you are the residential rental provider and you want to claim bond or compensation.

Summary of proofs - bond or compensation for rent arrears in a hearing on the papers

Use this form in support of a hearing on the papers where you are the residential rental provider and you want to claim bond or compensation due to

Summary of proofs - possession of a room in a rooming house

Use this form in support of an application for possession of a room in a rooming house.

Summary of proofs - possession of a caravan or site in a caravan park

Use this form in support of an application for possession of a caravan or site in a caravan park.