What do you want to do ?

Decisions on issues about enduring powers of attorney or supportive attorney appointments.
An enduring power of attorney is a legal document that allows a person to appoint someone else to make decisions about their personal or financial affairs.
It stays in place even if the person giving it loses the capacity to make their own decisions.
A supportive attorney supports people with disability to make their own decisions about things that affect them.
The person who has appointed an attorney to act on their behalf is called the ‘principal’.
We can make an urgent order that covers a short time period if there’s an immediate risk of harm to someone’s health, welfare or property. If you are seriously concerned about someone who is, or may need to be, represented:
We’ll review the order at a hearing as soon as possible.
We can help you understand how to apply. We cannot give you legal advice or tell you what to write in your application. These organisations may be able to help you.
We can help you understand what the form is asking. If you need to help to fill in the VCAT application form, talk to us.
We can:
We can’t give you legal advice. This means we can’t:
If you do choose to get legal advice, you’ll need to pay their fees (if any).
If you want to talk about what you should do, you can access free or low-cost legal advice or find a private lawyer.
If you need an interpreter, contact us to arrange a professional interpreter (at no cost to you) before the hearing.
Make sure you ask for an interpreter as early as you can.
We connect with a large network of interpreters in 160 languages. Tell us in English what your language is when you ask for an interpreter. It’s best to ask when you apply to VCAT or as soon as possible after we’ve sent you your hearing date.
We don’t allow a relative or friend to interpret for you at a hearing.
Most of our hearing locations are accessible. Contact us for accessibility information about a venue.
We can also organise support for people with disability at VCAT.
Our disability liaison officers can support you to access our services and venues.
Ask for a disability liaison officer to help:
We offer support to ensure VCAT is culturally safe and inclusive for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We can help you with:
Call our Koori Helpline to speak to a Koori Engagement Officer on 0417 516 335, Monday to Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm.
Read more about Koori support at VCAT