More help with Account by Administrator (ABA)

How to provide supporting documents with your ABA, what to do when there are multiple administrators, and fees and charges.

How do I provide supporting documents in the ABA form?

Upload your files on the online form under ‘Supporting documents’. 

You must follow these guidelines to upload files correctly: 

  • use PDF, DOC, DOCX, CSV, XLS, XLSX, JPG or PNG file extensions 
  • each file must be under 3MB in size. 
  • do not provide links to cloud-based platforms such as OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive 
  • do not upload documents that are protected with passwords or security codes.

For more information about the documents you should submit, watch our videos for administrators.

What if I don't have a computer to submit the ABA online?

Public computers or tablets are available at local libraries and community centres.

We recommend using the online form because they are processed faster and it works out if you need to pay the Annual Administration Fee. 

If you want to submit a hard copy (paper-based) ABA form, you need to contact us to ask for permission.

If we allow you to submit a paper-based ABA you need to calculate the fortnightly income of the represented person. This figure is the represented person's annual income from all sources (excluding proceeds from the sale of property or assets) divided by 26. 

If the represented person's fortnightly income from all sources is less than $930, you must complete the payment slip on the back of the VCAT letter (sent to you in July) and return this with the ABA to confirm no fee is payable. 

Do not send the payment slip without the ABA. 

When completing the form, you need to manually calculate the represented person's total pensions. Add each pension payment for the last financial year as they appear on the represented person's bank statements. The figure stated on Centrelink PAYG statements is understated for ABA purposes.


What if a represented person has more than one administrator?

You must give us details of all appointed administrators. 

But you submit only one ABA and pay one fee.

Joint administrators must discuss among themselves who arranges payment. 

If we give you permission to submit a paper-based ABA form, all administrators must sign the Acknowledgement section.

What if my financial summary information in the ABA form doesn't balance?

A 5% margin applies if the ABA doesn't balance. 

If the margin is over 5%, go back and check all financial information you’ve entered. 

If the ABA still doesn’t balance, you must explain why in the form. 

Should I keep a copy of the ABA?

Yes, keep a copy of the ABA and all supporting documents for a period of five years. 

You only need to give a copy of the ABA to someone else if the VCAT Administration Order directs you to.

If you use our online form, you can save or print a copy of the ABA before you submit it. 

What if I need to change my details but already submitted by ABA?

Notify VCAT of changes in writing by either: 

What if I’ve already submitted my ABA and need to provide more supporting documents?

Return to your submitted application and go to the Lodge additional documentation section on the left hand navigation.

You can upload more documents on this screen.

Does State Trustees Limited charge an examination fee?

Yes, pay the fee directly to State Trustees Limited (State Trustees). 

State Trustees are legally appointed by VCAT to do independent examinations of ABAs submitted by private administrators. 

State Trustees examination fees are mentioned in the VCAT Administration Order. This fee must be paid from the represented person's funds. 

The examination fee depends on the value of the estate of the represented person. State Trustees lets you know the exact fee in writing. 

VCAT cannot waive a State Trustees fee. If you need help to pay the State Trustees fee contact State Trustees directly on 1300 138 672.

Do professional administrators charge fees?

If we appoint a professional administrator (for example, trustee company, lawyer or accountant), the administrator charges a fee for the services they provide. This is stated in the VCAT Administration Order. 
Most private administrators don’t receive payment for being an administrator. If there are exceptional circumstances, we can order payment. 

What if the represented person has passed away?

As a guardian or administrator you’re legally required to tell us in writing. 

We need proof of the represented person's death, such as a copy of the death certificate or a letter from a doctor involved in their care.

If you’re an administrator we tell you if you still need to submit the Account by Administrator (ABA). 

Keep a copy of the ABA and all supporting documents for five years. 

Email or post to VCAT Guardianship List, GPO Box 5408, Melbourne VIC 3001.

More help and support about ABA