
759 results

Before you apply - Goods and services disputes

Consumer disputes and small claims about products and services you bought or sold.

Feedback and complaints

VCAT is established by an Act of Parliament and is given jurisdiction by enabling enactments. We can only do what the law authorises us to do.

End a case by dismissal or strike out

When you respond to an application against you, you can ask for VCAT to dismiss a case or end it in a strike out.

How long a VCAT case takes

The duration of a case and wait times to get to a hearing depend on the type of case.

Contacts and locations

Find out how to get in touch with us and our city, suburban or regional hearing locations across Victoria. You can also find the answers to common questions.

Complaints policy

Any member of the public or group of people (including companies or public sector agencies) can make a complaint. We are committed to certain principles when handling a complaint.

Careers at VCAT

Building and construction

Domestic or commercial building disputes between a property owner, builder, sub-contractor, architect, engineer or other building practitioner – or any combination of these.

Our members

VCAT has almost 200 members. These are the people who hear and decide cases.


VCAT, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, resolves disputes and make decisions.